Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Green Collar" Jobs

Report: $100 billion would foster 2 million green jobs

According to the above cnet news article if the government would invest 100 billion in creating green tech jobs we would be able to create roughly 2 million jobs. Here is how the 100 billion dollar investment would be broken down: about 50 billion would be tax credits to businesses and homeowners, 46 billion would be in direct federal spending and about 4 billion would be in loan guarantees. All of this investment would equal to about the same amount spent on the recent economic stimulus package, according to the cnet article. This would have been money better spent. It could give people something they actually want and need, a job, instead of a "stimulus" check that probably wouldn't even last a month.

The jobs created from an investment like this would range from generating new technologies to progress the use of biofuels, alternative energy sources, etc.. to jobs that would update current infrastructures like buildings, the power grid, rail, etc... to be more energy efficient.

Now I am not sure if all of this job creation would truly happen but our country has to invest into this stuff eventually if we want to avoid economic collapse so doing this now should help. Plus maybe we can get at least some of those 2 million jobs at the same time. I just fear that this investment would go to technologies that have little or no hope, like ethanol or a hydrogen vehicle. Now hydrogen potentially has a spot in our future as an energy storage source but we will save hydrogen for a future post.

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